Two more SEMA grads enter the real world. Congrats, Sid Malak and Jeff Geldmeier! July 21, 2017Newsadmin Above is a picture of Jeff (left), VVT (center), and Sid (right) at the GIT Spring 2017 Commencement. Sid would like the world to know that he is “one of Prof. Tsukruk’s (VVT) greatest and most accomplished PhD students.” VVT has yet to comment as to the accuracy of this statement.
SEMA won 2 First place and 1 Best Poster Award at the MSE Spring Poster Session! April 26, 2017Newsadmin Elizabeth Quigley (yellow) won first place in the pre-qualifier section, while Ruilong Ma (blue) won first place in the biomaterials section and the Best Poster award.
Congratulations NSF GRFP Awardees, Michelle and Elizabeth! April 26, 2017Newsadmin Michelle Krecker (left) and Elizabeth Quigley (right) were found in the lab after winning National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowships.
SEMA Reunion at AFOSR Research Review December 6, 2016Newsadmin L-R: Professor Srikanth Singamaneni, Dr. Maneesh Gupta, VVT, and Dr. Irina Drachuk
Congratulations GTPN Poster Session winners, Ruilong and Andrew! November 28, 2016Newsadmin Ruiong Ma (right) and Andrew Erwin (left) won placed first and second at the Georgia Tech Polymer Network’s (GTPN) Annual Poster Session, respectively.
Congratulations on the cover, Kesong! November 28, 2016Newsadmin Click the image to find the article represented by this cover illustration.
Congratulations, Sunghan, on the Outstanding Poster Presentation Award! October 13, 2016Newsadmin Sunghan Kim (right) received the Outstanding Poster Presentation Award at the 3rd Annual Postdoctoral Research Symposium at Georgia Tech.
Congratulations, Weinan, recent winner of two scientific research awards! September 26, 2016Newsadmin Weinan was awarded the Sigma Xi Best Ph.D. Thesis Award for 2016 (left) and the 2015 Chinese Government Award for Outstanding Self-financed Students Abroad (right).
Congratulations, Anise, on the back cover piece for Advanced Functional Materials! September 21, 2016Newsadmin Click the image to learn more about the work represented by the above illustration.
SEMA takes on presents at the ACS in Philly! August 29, 2016Newsadmin Rui Xiong, VVT, and Shuaidi Zhang at the National American Chemical Society (ACS) meeting in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.