SEMA Group Reunion & Present in ACS Spring 2024

During 2024 ACS Spring Meeting in New Orleans, LA, SEMA member Dasha and Botyo were selected to do their oral and poster presentations while group reunion were happening there with our previous group member Dr. Chunhong Ye, now assistant professor at Shanghai Tech University.

Left to right: Dasha, Prof. Tsukruk, and Prof. Chunhong Ye from Shanghai Tech

SEMA Lab Hosted Kick-off Meeting for A New Collaborative Project

The kick-off meeting, hosted on Mar. 14th, marked the inception of our collaborative project titled ‘Organized Nanochannel Materials from Biomolecular Magnetic Organic Frameworks‘. Thanks to Professors Yaroslava G. Yingling and Orlin D. Velev from North Carolina State University (NCSU) for joining this exciting journey into the realms of nanotechnology and biomolecular engineering.

SEMA Lab hosted Dr. Michelle Krecker

Welcome our alumna Dr. Michelle Krecker back for Homecoming Series workshop and seminar, hosted by Dr. Tsukruk. After two years’ rotational leadership program in industry, she brought back her insights and advices as a principal systems engineer at Northrop Grumman.


Cngrt to Saewon and Ka:

 D. Nepal, S. Kang, K. M. Adstedt, K. Kanhaiya, M. R. Bockstaller, L. C. Brinson, M. J. Buehler, P. V. Coveney, K. Dayal, J. A. El-Awady, L. C. Henderson, D. L. Kaplan, S. Keten, N. A. Kotov, G. C. Schatz, S. Vignolini, F. Vollrath, Yu. Wang, B. I. Yacobson, V. V. Tsukruk, H. Heinz, Hierarchically Structured Bioinspired Nanocomposites, Nature Mat., 2022

Cngrt to Fang, Saewon, Kat, Minkyu, and Rui:

X. Zhang, S. Kang, K. Adstedt, M. Kim, R. Xiong, J. Yu, X. Chen, X. Zhao, C. Ye, V. V. TsukrukUniformly aligned flexible magnetic films from bacterial nanocelluloses for fast actuating optical materials, Nature Com., 202213, 5804;

Cngrt to Minkyu:

M. Kim, V. V. Tsukruk, Spectroscopy finds chiral phonons, Nature Phot., 202216, 337-338.

SEMA Lab hosted Dr. Marcus Smith

It was such a pleasure to host our alumnus, Marcus Smith, the current Chief DEIA officer at the AFRL, for the day of workshops as part of our Homecoming Seminar series organized by Dr. Tsukruk.

Thank you Marcus for the workshops and meetings with students, staff & faculty — representatives from our LBQT+, black American, and Latino community.