Molecular Science and Engineering Bldg.,
901 Atlantic Dr. Rm 4246
Phone: 404-385-3100; Fax: 404-385-3112
Director: Prof. Vladimir V. Tsukruk
School of Materials Science and Engineering, Georgia Institute of Technology
Office: 3100M, Molecular Science & Engineering Bldg.
901 Atlantic Dr. NW, Atlanta, GA 30332-0245
Ph.: 404-894-6081; fax: 404-385-3112
Email: vladimir@mse.gatech.edu
Contact personnel:
Justin Brackenridge (jbrackenridge3@gatech.edu)
Office phone: (404) – 385 – 3100
General Guidelines:
- Instrumentation facilities are available for a limited number of external users for nominal fees which are accumulated to sustain MAC operation and instrumentation maintenance.
- For individual use, users have to schedule instrumentation in advance through our online scheduling system: http://faces.ccrc.uga.edu/. The group name is SEMA, and the individual username and password is provided by the MAC manager.
- External user access to MAC facilities is limited to weekdays from 9AM to 5PM.
- All new users will be trained with an instrumentation expert from SEMA lab.
- A separate password-protected account will be assigned for users to log into the systems.
- Users (faculty members and companies) will be billed every quarter:
- March 31
- June 30
- September 30
- December 31
User fees on major instruments (external user fees are available per request):
- Measurements conducted by MAC members: $70/hr
- Training sessions: $60/hr
- Independent measurements of approved user: $30/hr
(discounted for other instruments, see list)
How to get started:
- Contact MAC Director (Justin, jbrackenridge3@gatech.edu) on availability of instrumentation and general guidelines (limited number of users can be assigned during one period). MAC Internal GT User Form
- Provide account number arrange for training, manuals, and SOPs on the new user form.
- Get trained and start using instrumentation, provide all consumable (e.g., AFM tips).
Major AFM equipment:
Scanning probe microscopy lab with four top-of-the-line scanning probe microscopes and accessories (contact, non-contact, fluid, force modulation, friction, phase, conducting, electrostatic, magnetic):
- AFM Microscope: Digital Instrument Nanoscope IIIa – Multimode
Highest resolution AFM instrument for smaller specimens and near-atomic resolution scans, thermal tuning, precise Picoforce module, chamber with controlled environment, surface force spectroscopy - AFM Microscope: Bruker Dimension Icon
Fast large sample AFM with high resolution, low drift and low noise scanner and user friendly interface. Has build in capabilities for topographic, electrostatic, mechanical, magnetic and many more modes of operation as well as possibility to scan in liquids and in wide temperature range (-15 to 70 C)
- AFM Microscope: Digital Instrument Nanoscope IIIa – Dimension 3000
Very user-friendly with high-resultion scans, easy access, large specimens, easy in-liquid scanning, elevated temperature (<120C), surface force spectroscopy - AFM Microscope: Digital Instruments, Innova
Universal high-resolution scans, in-liquid scan, surface force spectroscopy, conducting force microscopy, electrostatic force microscopy, and magnetic force microscopy
Other major characterization instrumentation:
- SEM Hitachi-3400SN with Oxford EDX
Up to 300,000 magnification, 3 nm resolution, 2 detectors, large motorized stage, highly sensitive chemical analysis, variable pressure mode (no sputtering), sputterer with 3 targets - ATR-FTIR Vertex with liquid cell (Bruker)
Silicon single crystal, liquid cell, data from ultrathin layers down to 2 nm thickness - Confocal Raman microscope Alpa-Witek
High resolution mapping (xy < 250 nm; z < 0.7 micron), multiwavelength (470, 514, 785 nm), SERS - CytoViva Hyperspectral Imaging System and Dagexcel-M Digital Camera
Provides spatial mapping of spectral response (spectral range of 400−900 nm), including dark and bright field capabilities in transmission and reflection modes. Fluorescence capabilities in transmission mode with DAPI, FITC, and Texas Red excitation.
Excitation and analyzer polarizers available - Spectroscopic ellipsometer M2000 with liquid cell and microfocusing attachment (Woollam)
Other characterization instrumentation:
- Shimadzu UV-vis spectrometer and Shimadzu fluorescent spectrometer
- Fluorescence microscope (Leica) with point fluorescent spectrometer (Craig)
- Mascal QCM nanocalorimeter and Quartz microbalance
- Breeze 1500 GPC with RI-detector (Waters)
- Lite Single Wafer Spin Processors (Laurell Techn.)
- Contact angle goniometer (KSV)
- LB trough with temperature control (KSV)
- custom-made micromechanical bulging testing interferometry set-up